Thursday, September 15, 2016

How long has it been?
                Since I last saw you-my closest friend
I miss your face
                And the way your presence brought so much grace
I remember the characteristics of your perfect face, the strong gaze in your eyes when you would be deep in thought
                I remember the warmth of your love, the joy in your laugh, and the memories made that                        can't be bought.

What is it like where you are?
                Do you ever notice that you have gone so far?
Is Heaven as we hear? Do you have a job? I bet you run everywhere you go.
                I plan, when I get there, to race you, just so you know.
I won't compare to your speed, no I wouldn't even stand a chance!
                But I work on my endurance, because that's how you made your "Stance."
I'm still proud of you for that, by the way, and all that you did
                People still admire you for your faith,   both adult and kid.

Mom misses you and the time you two shared
                There are things you did and talks you had that cannot be compared.
Dad was strong- A lot stronger than you would have thought he would be
                But he misses you, the hunting, and the time spent on the hill in the shooting house, 
                under your tree.
Most never know what they have until it's gone.
                But the life with you we knew all along.
I hope all your family and friends that are in Heaven with you now
                Get to enjoy your humor, and laugh out loud with you just thinking, "Wow!"

Speaking of your company there,
                How old are my angels, do they know their momma, and how much I still care?
You were here and got to meet sweet Maggie, Hunter's oldest and Sterling Belle, who I named after you.
                But since you have been gone we have added just a few
First, came the twins who are different as night and day
                Mary Fisher and Addison-who looks a little like you by the way.
Then after hearing my prayers, God gave us Walker, a perfectly healthy beautiful baby boy.
                But before I was done giving him the glory, He decided to throw in a little more joy.
His name is Eli, he is almost 3, and is so funny.
                He came here with a scar identical to yours in the exact same spot on his tummy.

 These babies here with us brought more love than they knew
                For they came to bring back the joy and so much more, we had no clue.
But not for a chance, will your shoes ever be filled.
                Because that part of our heart belongs to you is forever sealed.               
It was the gift of these precious lives that we know God knows our heart
                From that moment you were gone the strings that held us together fell apart.
But piece by piece He picked us up and held us in his hand
                And he reaffirmed within us where our strength comes from to withstand.        

I can't explain to you what it's been like here
                But I want you to know you will always be thought of all throughout the year    
You still get told Happy Birthday each time it passes by
                But how many more will it be before your face meets the reflection in my eye.
I have work to do here so I don’t mean to try and speed up the time
                Surely to miss you that much though is a forgive-able crime.

I want you to know that even though sometimes we still slip up
                We will always turn back and thank God for his Son when we repent with the bread and 
                 the cup.
So count on seeing us all oneday, when we come barreling through the cloud
                I hope in that moment we all make you feel as proud.
All of us will stand reunited at last in the Kindgom promised with no more hurt, or sin, or doubt
                Hallelujah! All glory and praise to The is all we will be able to Shout!
So remind me to look to what comes with wonder and Praise
                Because that's what I want to choose for the rest of my days!

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