Friday, September 5, 2014

Sterling Bates Penn


November 17, 1982- January 31, 2010

                Filled with great gratitude, I write to you on the behalf of Sterling's entire family.  Celebrating the 4th annual Run for Sterl, we look forward to this Race day with each one of you.  It is my deepest hope that in writing this, you come to know a little about Sterling, his life, and his passionate faith.

                Sterling came into this world with a large plan.  He went through kindergarten and first grade playing lead roles in the plays.  He went through elementary with great grades, and a great attitude.  He went through Junior High with new adventures, first loves, driver's license, and sports.  He went into high school standing tall at 6'4". He was handsome, smart, funny, and overall just well rounded.  Everyone who knew him was his friend.  No doubt when he started his junior year of high school, Sterling thought his plans for his life would be different.  Maybe he would carry on his family's legacy and become the 4th generation in the timber business, or maybe something different.  Regardless, I'm sure he expected to go to college, get married, have children, and live what we consider a normal life. But on August 29, 1999, time stood still, and God showed up (never once did He leave Sterling's side).  Sterling's life was forever changed in the twinkling of an eye.  It wasn't an overnight acceptance of his new life, a quadriplegic on a ventilator, but it was a road he fought daily to get down.  As time went on, God would deliver Sterling from the brink of death, from sadness, and obstacles that stood before him on so many occasions.  I imagine it became vividly clear to him the purpose he was called for.

                The more Sterling became aware of his purpose, the more his life and his joy began to unfold.  Being handicapped was never an easy ride, but that was the cross God called for Sterling to bear. This was Sterling's load to carry to make a difference and to bring glory to God.  In the end, Sterling fulfilled that purpose.  Sterling waited for God's perfect timing when he would be ultimately healed and rewarded for his endurance of the race set before him.

                Sterling's life could have stopped easily on that Sunday night in 1999, but we have all been blessed that it didn’t. For his family, we got more hugs, laughter, and memories.  For some, they got the chance to get to meet him.  For others who were called to walk the same road as him, they got encouragement and hope.  For those who he brought to Christ, they got Salvation.

                All who ever watched Sterling run at the Canton Academy track meets knew and felt his love for the sport.  At the end of the day, he was grinning ear to ear with all the ribbons and metals to show his job well done.  So on this race day, as you lace up your running shoes and get ready to step up to your starting line, let us not forget Sterling.  Let us in remembrance of him, honor God this day! Let us all take up our crosses whatever they may be and wear them with pride.  Let us serve our purpose too so that we might, like Sterling, earn our own crown of righteousness.  It is never too late to make a difference.  It has been over 4 years since I last saw my brother's face, but without a doubt, I know he will change at least one life participating in this event today.

                So here's to Sterling, my big brother, my best friend, and a faithful servant of Christ, and here's to you who are coming out and remembering his life with all of us.

Sterling's sister,

Mary Hollin Penn Brock

Please visit the race website for information or to sign up for the event.  His personal testimony is also posted on the website and I encourage you all to read it. It may change your heart.

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