Monday, July 14, 2014

Take My Hand

         A very wise friend told me "You have a story that in many ways you would rather not have, but God wants to use it for his glory!" We all have stories we may rather not have, but I just love that. I love that our stories through our journey with God can be uplifting for someone else. I love that they have purpose. We were never alone without God's help. If only we could stop, take a second, and realize there is always a hand reached out to help us, but we must choose to take hold of that. We must choose to let God help us.  It's little things like my 2 year old wanting to open a Capri-Sun on his own, or my 5 year old wanting to pick out her own (VERY) fashionable outfit that help me to view the bigger picture. The choice to ask for help is there. I am even offering to help, but they want to do it. They are so determined to do it on their own, are we?  How often do we try and get in the "Driver Seat" of life without help and take hold of "what we want" and "how we want to do it" and even "when we want it done?"  Lord, Stop us when we do that!  I pray for you to stop us and let us all realize we NEED your help!!! We need you for everything! Not just to mend a broken heart, fix a situation in which we can't escape on our own, or bring a loved one back home but literally for EVERYTHING.  My friend was right. I do have stories of heart ache, tragedy, joy, and God's great mercy, but what I have more important than that is the great reveal of God. He saved me and delivered me out of my weakness when I couldn't without him.  I never could be where I am or who I am on my own. This is all part of his plan...A much BIGGER picture that we can not yet see. We each were created by him and for him.
              Life does not revolve around our "Beck and Call." How often do we catch ourselves trying to work a situation to benefit ourselves, or even ask God for something for selfish reasons?  It's not about us.  It's about what we can give, or what we have in ourselves that we can offer up for his goodness.  I think we all have a fairytale dream of a perfect job, a perfect life, a perfect marriage, perfect children (in our minds), and how we think life should go. Our fairytale is waiting in Heaven where perfection can exist. We are all sinners. It's not because we don't love God. It's not because we don't strive to live life by his commandments. We are born sinners, and that's why Jesus paid the price. We will never be perfect in our flesh so why in the world would we expect anything to be perfect here on earth? They only time we are made perfect is in Him.  Colossians 1:28 "Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus." There are gonna be bumps in the road. There is going to be heartache. There is going to be loss and longing. There are going to be trials and tribulations. If we don't REACH out and take hold of HIS hand, then we won't view it as a stepping stone. My brother said in his testimony "DON’T WAIT UNTIL SOMETHING TRAGIC OR BAD HAPPENS IN YOUR LIFE BEFORE YOU LEARN TO LOVE THE LORD AND PUT HIM FIRST. Of course he will be there for you whenever you need Him, but why wait? Things will be so much easier if he’s already in your life before one of those “UH-OH” moments hits. Stop and take time to know Him, because that is the most important thing anyone can ever do!" Trust his plan. Don't question it. Just think of all the moments in life where we do feel we are our happiest. Where are you at that moment? My guess is wherever we were & are in those moments, we can see they were all a moment of Blessing from God. They were something extraordinary that only He could ordain.  I read in a Beth Moore devotional where it says "God is not some powerful ruler sitting up on his throne filled with anger & wrath, and throwing us punishment for our wrong doings." After reading, I myself wonder how often have I viewed my trials as a punishment for my sins instead of God's way of stopping me in my tracks and turning me back to Him. Have I ever thought he needed this to happen to strengthen me in an area of weakness to prepare me for his works (for his plan)?
             We all know this "The Lord will never give you more than you can handle." 1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." Why think he is punishing us? He just wants us to seek him. He wants our unconditional love. He wants us to call on him and to know we need him. Look up all the references on God's Mercy, he isn't giving us situations to deal with because we are sinful, but to make us rely on him.  Psalms 86:5 "For you, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy to all them that call on you." ...

 LORD- Help me to call on you.  Help me make it a point to find ways to serve you instead of always asking you to cater to me and my needs. I am a valuable piece of your plan, and you created me with purpose. Help me to make my life acceptable in your sight, not my own. I am reaching out for you Lord, and I am taking your hand! Psalms 37:23-24 "though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

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